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1. U c a gorgeous gir at a party. U go to her n say:"I m vry rich, marry me".
Thats Direct Marketing..

2. U r at a party with a bunch ov frnds & c a gorgeous girl. One ov ur frnd goes upto her n say: "He's vry rich man, marry him".
Thats Advertising.

3. U r at a party & c a gorgeous girl. She walks upto u n say: "Can u marry me ?
Thats Brand Recognization.

4. U c a gorgeous girl at a party. U go upto her n say: "I m vry rich, marry me..She gives u a hard slap on ur face.
Thats Customer Feedback.

5. U c a gorgeous girl at a party. U go upto her n say: "I m vry rich,marry me n she introduce u to her Hubby.
Thats demand n supply gap.

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