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Good Morning

In French: Bon jour
In Spanish: Te Quiro
In Italian: Teamo
In Yugoslav: Volim Te
In English: Good Morning
In Punjabi: Uth Moya Kam te nahi jana?

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    A kiss of the morning dew has kissed my lips today All of my sorrows are just a shadow of yesterday ...

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  5.  By: Dapper
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  6.  By: Dapper
    Morning is God's way of saying '1 more time... Go, live life, Make a difference, touch ones heart, e...

  7. NITE HAS END...  By: Rehan
    Nite has end for another day, Morning has come in a special way. May you smile like the sunny rays ...

  8. GOOD MORNING  By: Sumbul
    The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile, He wishes you a good morning, Hoping that you hav...