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After serious & cautious consideration,

Ur contract of FRIENDship has been renewed for the Year 2011

It was a hard decision to make.

So try to be more LOVING & caring next year.

I'm giving you another chance


Don't miss it up!
Bcoz it's impossible to find a FRIEND

Who is

95 % ideal

96 % smart

97 % kind

98 % true

99 % Talented


100 % luvable


Don't lose me..... HAPPY NEW YEAR.

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  1. Farewell n Good Bye 2010  By: SAYYAM
    Farewell n Good Bye 2010 A miraculous year it startd on friday! Its ending on friday! Eid ul fitr on...

  2. I wish we could be together to cele  By: SAYYAM
    I wish we could be together to celebrate special day But i want you to know i'll be celebratin...

  3. A bright ,coloured, hopeful ,happy happy  By: SAYYAM
    A bright ,coloured, hopeful ,happy happy new year is about to unfold ! May ALLAH bless you with His ...

  4. I hve no pearl to gift you, I hve no di  By: SAYYAM
    I hve no pearl to gift you, I hve no diamond to give u, I hve no flowers to send u, but I have 3 be...

  5. A New Year's Prayer  By: musarat
    A New Year's Prayer May ALLAH make ur year a happy one! Not by shielding you from all sorrows and p...

  6. Wishing u Very Happy NEW YEAR 2011  By: musarat
    Oh my Dear, Forget ur Fear, Let all ur Dreams be Clear, Never put Tear, Please Hear, I want to tell ...

  7. God Bless U N Keep U Safe  By: musarat
    God Bless U N Keep U Safe Not Only Today But Throughout Life That is coming In Ur Way. May Year To F...

  8. New rules of life for 2011  By: musarat
    New rules of life for 2011 1. Haste Rehne ka. 2. Tension nai leneka. 3. B positive, eat positive, sl...

  9. God gives You 12 Month of Happiness  By: musarat
    God gives You.. 12 Month of Happiness, 52 Weeks of Fun, 365 Days Success, 8760 Hours Good Health, 52...

  10. First Chapter is New Year's Day  By: musarat
    We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is...

  11. New Year 2011 is at The Door  By: musarat
    2011 is at the door Remember Life is short, break the rules, Forgive quickly, love truly, laugh unco...

  12. Coming New Year Date 1-1-11  By: Fuzail
    Interesting News What's this? 1111 . . . . Coming New Year Date 1-1-11 I think I am the First...

  13. Joy to you for the year ahead  By: musarat
    Not by making your life always pleasant, But by showing you when people And their causes need you m...

  14. Making your life always Pleasant  By: musarat
    Not by making your life always pleasant, But by showing you when people And their causes need you m...

  15. Wish You Happy New Year 2011  By: musarat
    For last year's words belong to last year's language And next year's words await another voice. And ...