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Friend means no Reasoning

Friend means just Believing
Friend is that who Never Believe

in last 3 alphabets of FRIEND.

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  1. Don't showoff  By: Rooman Qamar
    Don't showoff with artificial Things: Because the real confidence is in your simplicity which shows...

  2. Frndz n True Frndz  By: Rooman Qamar
    Friends r d Smell Of Cigrates Which Stays In d Finger Tips4a Short Time But True Frndz r Like d Nico...

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  4. rael fierndsihp  By: Rooman Qamar
    Unredtsanding btewene ecah ohter is rael fierndsihp eevn we hvae so mnay msitkase lkie htis mssea...

  5. Friendship is not  By: Rooman Qamar
    Friendship is not a degree to Start and Finish within 3 or 4 Years. It is a lifetime course, Not j...

  6. Friendship  By: wahabi
    Friendship is love and mutual faith Receiving & sharing too, Never demanding just understanding Suc...

  7. Friend means  By: wahabi
    Flowers mean Honey Honey means Sweet Sweet means Desire Desire means Love Love means Friend & ...

  8. I like Three things  By: Pieces
    I like Three things Sun Moon & You Sun for Day Time. Moon for Night Time, and You for Life Time ...

  9. A friend scolds like DAD  By: wahabi
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  10. My Friends  By: wahabi
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  11. LoVeAbLe  By: wahabi
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  13. Friendship Application  By: Rooman Qamar
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  14. Since I have met u  By: Pieces
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  15. Sweet person deserves  By: Dapper
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