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Best Collection of New Birthday SMS at Funny SMS

Your friend or family member has birthday? Why not say him happy birthday by Sending him or her these great funny birthday sms messages. Birthday sms is the easiest way to tell your friend or family that you remember them. A happy birthday sms which is sent on time, as soon at the clock strikes 12 is a signal to be alerted and ready to receive tons of compliments. You can also Submit Birthday sms here.

Latest Birthday SMS:

  • And all my wishes
    And all my wishes...

    On your B'day - So specail...

    To bring you a wonderful future...

    With all your dreams come true...

    And an everlasting happiness in your heart....!!!

  By: musarat   Send To Mobile
  • Happy birthday on this beautiful day
    Happy birthday on this beautiful day,
    There's so many things, I just want to say.
    You inspire many, with your thoughts and actions,
    We're all so grateful, for your calm reactions.

    Happy birthday on this beautiful day,
    You've always been there, when we needed you to stay.
    Kindness and thoughtfulness is your forte,
    Our love for you, we wish to convey.

    Happy birthday on this beautiful day,
    We wish you the best, without any delay.
    Hope you enjoy it, from beginning till end,
    Here's a hug and kiss, we're ready to send.

  By: musarat   Send To Mobile
  • It’s your birthday
    It’s your birthday...
    and I’m thinking how glad I am
    that you were born.
    You have given me so much--
    supported me, encouraged me,
    cared for me; I didn't even need to ask.
    I celebrate your wonderful self!
    I am in awe of your boundless generosity,
    your infinite kindness--that gentle inner glow
    that you so freely use to warm my life.
    Your birthday is as much a celebration for me
    as it is for you, maybe more,
    and I wish for you the best of birthdays,
    the best one ever.
    May each birthday be better than the last.
    Most of all, I hope you will always be
    As happy as you have made me.

  By: musarat   Send To Mobile
  • Your Birthday Rolls Around
    When Your Birthday Rolls Around
    Because you mean so much to me,
    I celebrate your birth.
    Sharing time and space with you,
    Rings my bell for all it’s worth.Whenever your birthday rolls around,
    I contemplate once more,
    How happy I am that you were born;
    The thought makes my heart soar.I wish your birthdays happened more,
    So I could let you know,
    How very much you mean to me,
    And so I could tell you so!

  By: musarat   Send To Mobile
  • Together in loves journey
    G. K. Palmer

    Today two hearts, two lives, will begin as one,
    They will say their vows, and say I DO,
    They will seal it with a kiss, and their life together has begun,
    Forever bound, forever true,
    Together through this journey of love,
    They must learn to cherish, comfort, and trust each other,
    Put their love, their friendship, in GOD above
    Work together, day by day,help one another,
    They work to build a life, a home, a family,
    Together forever is their destiny,
    Together in loves journey....

  By: musarat   Send To Mobile
  • Every morning as I wake up
    Every morning as I wake up, I think of you,
    as the hero that came into my life.
    More and more you appeared
    to me when I was in strife.
    Afraid I could not live
    without you in my life.
    I only prayed every
    day and every night.
    to have a brother like
    you by my side.
    When I was hurt so many times.
    you never let me down.
    therefore I am proud.
    to call you a true brother.
    Even though I know you're
    not a child of my mother.
    To me you'll always be.
    Remembered you see.

  By: musarat   Send To Mobile
  • Ye din ye mahina ye taarikh jab jab aayi
    Ye din ye mahina ye taarikh jab jab aayi

    Hum ne kitne pyaar se janam din ki mehfile sajayi

    Har shamaa par naam kikh diya dosti ka

    Is ki roshni mein chaand jaisi teri surat hai samayi

  By: musarat   Send To Mobile
  • It’s birthday time again I see
    It’s birthday time again I see;
    Another year's gone by.
    We’re older than we used to be;
    The thought could make me cry.

    For getting older is not such fun,
    When there’s hurting in your back,
    And it’s agony if you have to run,
    And a pleasure to lie in the sack.

    Yes getting older is quite a bore,
    But to not get old is worse.
    So "Happy Birthday!" let’s shout once more,
    And to heck with our ride in the hearse!

    Hooray for getting older! Happy Birthday and many more

  By: musarat   Send To Mobile
  • PhOOlOn Ta tAAlOn Ta
    PhOOlOn Ta tAAlOn Ta ShAb Ta TeHnA hAi
    1 HaZaLoN MeiN MeLa BhAiYa hAi
    happy birthday bhai

  By: musarat   Send To Mobile
  • Happy Birthday My Love
    I'm Sending this Bouquet of Love To Say That
    I Love you so much I hope I say it often Enough
    I want you to know it's True,
    On this Special Occasion I want to Remind You
    That you are My everything And my Love is True.

    Happy Birthday My Love!

  By: Master Mind   Send To Mobile
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