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A DOCTOR can save my life.
A LAWYER can defend my life.
A SOLDIER can give me a peaceful life.
Only You can give me a MEANINGFUL LIFE.

Love U..

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  1. I am BAD in every SUBJECT  By: Naila Soomro
    I AM BAD in ENGLISH BUT I can tell you that I LOVE YOU.. . I am BAD in GEOGRAPHY BUT I can tell you...

  2. Nothing  By: Adnan Shalmani
    Difinition of Nothing: Time doesn't wait for u or me, days pass & years change, U miss ur loved ones...

  3. Hug My Male Friend  By: Naila Soomro
    Girl: How Will You Feel If I Hug My Male Friend..?? . Boy: I'll Feel Happy. . Girl: Why..?? . Boy: C...

  4. Cute Love Story  By: Sumaira Malik
    Cute Love Story.. Boy: Hey I’ve got two words to say. Girl: What? Boy: I LOVE U . Girl: Huh.. Is ...

  5. Heart Touching Lines  By: Naila Soomro
    True Heart Touching Lines: If I have to choose between Loving You and Breathing,, I will choose ...

  6. saved memory  By: Naghma Khan
    Boy: I deleted some pics from my mobile. Girl: Why did you delete them? We should save memory. Bo...

  7. Cute Story  By: Sumaira Malik
    Cute Story.. A Middle class boy asks His high class Girlfriend : "If I go very poor, will you Acc...

  8. Leave  By: Adnan Shalmani
    .* Leave Those People Who Use You As An Option In Their Spare Time" . . "Try To Find Those People Wh...

  9. My Love For You  By: Husnain Nawaz
    My Love For You Is Like The Sky, With Dreams That Soar And Hopes That Fly. It's Like A Never Ending ...

  10. Hug Melts Ur Anger  By: Haya Ali
    A sweet reply by a guy to his girl Girl: What will u do if I'll get angry on u..?? . . . . . . Boy: ...

  11. Senior Girls  By: Naghma Khan
    Someone asks Shakespeare: "U Married a Girl elder than u, why?' . . He Showed Him Calendar n said, ...

  12. Sticking  By: Adnan Shalmani
    .* Commitment doesn’t mean sticking to a person when you don’t have any option, it means keeping...

  13. Because  By: Sumaira Malik
    I Hate Y0u Because I L0ve Y0u M0re Than Me I L0ve Y0u Because I Can't Live With0ut Y0u.. I Miss Y0u ...

  14. Can Two  By: Adnan Shalmani
    .* Can Two Humans Live Wid a Single Breath?? . . Yes !! Hardly In 2 Occasions.. 1. When a Child Is I...

  15. One Love  By: Haya Ali
    One Stone is Enough to break a Glass..... One sentence is Enough to break a heart....... One Sec...